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What to do in Trentino if rains


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Trentino is a wonderful region, rich in natural parks , suspension bridges, stratospheric and, for the most part, free children’s playgrounds.

But Trentino is also the home of castles (around 300 in total between those that can be visited and those that cannot) and interesting museums suitable for the whole family.

And so, if the rain shows no sign of stopping, banish the gloom! Put on your mackintosh and rain boots and explore the surroundings. You’re sure to find something interesting to do.

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Without claiming to draw up a complete list (that would be impossible!), below you will find a few ideas that will allow you to spend a few hours in a pleasant way during a rainy day in Trentino.

What to do in Trentino if rains

Visit the museums

Muse, Trento Science Museum

what to do trentino if rains

The Muse, Trento’s Science Museum, is one of the most beautiful science museums in Europe. The exhibition tells the story of theevolution of life on Earth in an interactive way so children and adults alike feel an active part of the journey and the three hours allowed will fly by. Go to the full article.

Pietra Viva Museum

The Pietra Viva Museum is a fantastic journey into the world of minerals and miners in the Fersina Valley. Not to be missed inside the museum is the reconstruction of a geode , i.e. a rock cavity covered in crystals, discovered in the 1990s by the Pallaoro twins, the founders of the museum.

The museum tour is spread over four floors and the visit, including two workshops for children, lasts approximately one hour.

Entrance fees are 8.00€ adult, 5.00€ child 15-26 years, free 0-14 years.

Reservations are compulsory and can be made by mobile phone 39 3312319038 or email [email protected]

For all information, please have a look at the official website.

MMape Mill Museum

what to do trentino if rains

Very nice and instructive is the MMape, Mill Bee Museum in Croviana, an interactive museum which, through a guided tour and various multi-sensory stations, seeks to bring adults and children closer to the wonderful world of bees.

The visit, which includes the tasting of three types of honey, lasts half an hour, but you can stay inside as long as necessary to calmly read the illustrative panels and watch the small in-depth videos. Go to the full article.

Lavarone Honey Museum

The same applies to the Lavarone Honey Museum, which is however a little larger and the tour is structured around three “sectors”: the life of the bee, historical finds and typical beekeeping tools , and the Library.

Adjacent to the latter, there is a small room where children can find paper and paints to make some nice drawings, perhaps related to the world of thebee!

The Lavarone Honey Museum is open all year round and booking is compulsory at [email protected].

Lake Ledro Pile-Dwelling Museum

ledro lake

The Lake Ledro Pile-Dwelling Museum is located on the eastern shore of the lake of the same name at the spot where, back in 1929, the remains of one of the largest pile-dwelling villages in Europe, dating back to 2200 BC, were discovered.

The museum, a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2011, has four huts, perfectly reconstructed and complete with furnishings and fittings, and displays some of the bronze artefacts from the period found during the excavations.

Entrance ticket costs €5.00 full price, €4.00 reduced. It is open daily from 9am to 5pm and in July and August from 10am to 6pm.

For information, please contact the Palafitte Museum on 0464 508182.

Ruatti Mill

This is an old watermill, with the annexed 19th-century house where the family of millers lived, located in Pracorno di rabbi.

The guided tour inside the mill, leads to the knowledge of the original machinery, preserved by the owners and still working today, and of the family itself, which over the years has managed the mill.

In addition, at the mill, theMulino Ruatti Association offers stimulating workshops for children – at a cost of €6.00 – to be booked in advance.

The fee for the guided tour is €5.00 full price, €2.00 reduced, free for 0-5 years.

For all information and to book, please call 339 8665415 or email [email protected]

What to do in Trentino if rains: visit the Castles

As mentioned, there are about 300 castles in Trentino that can be visited and those that can only be seen from the outside, and they represent a distinctive feature of the territory that should be preserved and enhanced.

Buonconsiglio Castle

what to do trentino if rains

Buonconsiglio Castle is one of the largest and most important castles in Trentino, home to the prince-bishops of the county until 1800.

Between drawbridges, frescoed rooms, medieval paintings, and soaring towers, Buonconsiglio Castle lends itself well to spending a couple of hours indoors on a rainy day. Go to the full article.

Thun Castle

what to do trentino if rains

Thun Castle was the home of the illustrious Thun family. It is located in a panoramic position at an altitude of 600 metres and the road to the castle winds its way through the apple orchards of the Val di Non.

There is a fascinating tour that allows you to see how a noble family of the time lived, with the furnishings still original. For the whole visit count about one and a half hours. Go to the full article.

Avio Castle

One of the oldest castles in Trentino, it belonged to the noble Castelbarco family who decided to donate it to the FAI in 1977.

The Castle of Avio, full of towers, high crenellated walls and precious frescoes, is a wonder to explore, perhaps on a rainy day!

For children, there are many activities and guided tours to discover in a fun way the history of the people who have inhabited the castle over the centuries.

Visits to the castle are free and the entrance fee is €8.00 full price, €5.00 6-18 years, free 0-5.

For all information, you can have a look at the official website.

Snacks at the Loacker Café in Trento

what to do trentino if rains

With several indoor and outdoor tables sheltered by a marquee, the Loacker Café in Trento can welcome you on a rainy day and warm you up with a hot chocolate accompanied by the famous wafer. It is located in the central Piazza Fiera, which hosts the beautiful Christmas markets every year.

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