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Bimbe in Viaggio

Family Travel Blog


lac de bolsena

What to see at Lake Bolsena, upper Lazio

Lake Bolsena or Volsinio is the largest lake of volcanic origin in Europe, formed over 300,000 years ago by the collapse of several volcanoes in the Volsini mountain range. With a surface area of 114 square kilometres, Bolsena is the

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sant'angelo roccalvegge

Sant’Angelo, the village of fairy tales

What a marvellous little village in the province of Viterbo! Do you know it? I’ll introduce it to you straight away: it is called Sant’Angelo di Roccalvecce and is nicknamed the town of fairy tales because, scattered along its streets,

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Visit to the Sacred Wood of Bomarzo

The Sacred Wood is the oldest sculpture park in the modern world, located in Bomarzo in the province of Viterbo. Also called Monster Park, the Sacred Wood is characterized by the presence of original and unprecedented stone sculptures scattered throughout

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