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Borgo a Mozzano: Devil’s Bridge and lunch


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Borgo a Mozzano is a municipality between the province of Lucca and Castelnuovo di Garfagnana, Tuscany. It is situated at an altitude of 97 meters above sea level and is crossed by the Serchio River into which several streams flow.

Borgo a Mozzano is the gateway to the Middle Serchio Valley.

The town of Borgo a Mozzano is characterized by vegetable gardens and mule tracks, which connect it to nearby hamlets, and is surrounded by mountains which shelter it from the winds. It is tiny, stretching about a kilometer from the church of Madonna dei Ferri to the Devil’s Bridge, and in an hour or so you can visit it all.

It is worth going to Borgo a Mozzano to admire the Devil’s Bridge (you can also walk over it), have lunch at the Osteria del Diavolo and, having an extra hour or so, climb Mount Bargiglio at 874 meters.

What to see in Borgo a Mozzano: Devil’s Bridge

The Magdalene Bridge, commonly referred to as the “Devil’s Bridge,” is the symbol of Borgo a Mozzano.

Dating back to the 12th-13th centuries, it is an imposing piece of architecture that crosses the Serchio River.

It is a “humpback” bridge characterized by three small, asymmetrical arches and a very wide and high main one.

The bridge was built by Countess Matilda of Canossa to facilitate trade and transit in the valley and was later restored by Castruccio Castracane.

Around 1526 it took the name “Magdalene Bridge” from a small oratory located on the left bank of the Serchio River, dedicated precisely to Magdalene.

In the early 1900s, a new arch was erected on the right side of the bridge to allow for the construction of the railway.

The bridge is called “of the Devil” because of an old popular legend.

In fact, the builder, unable to complete the work, implored the help of the Devil who agreed to help him on the condition that he was given the first soul to cross the bridge.

Cleverly, the builder sent a dog to run across the bridge so the Devil, enraged, took the dog’s soul and disappeared into the waters of the Serchio River.

Devil’s Bridge: informations

There are several free parking lots near the Devil’s Bridge.

The Devil’s Bridge is walkable on foot and with a stroller. In just a few minutes you arrive at the highest point from which you can admire the view of the valley.

devil's bridge at borgo a mozzano
devil's bridge at borgo a mozzano
devil's bridge at borgo a mozzano
devil's bridge at borgo a mozzano

Where to eat in Borgo a Mozzano

Right at the foot of the Bridge, is located the Osteria del Diavolo known, as we understand it, only to locals-in fact, after testing it, we added it on google maps.

Few tables, intimate atmosphere, and really tasty home cooking. We tasted a tagliere with local cold cuts and cheeses, meat tortelli, and pappa al pomodoro.

Fair bill (about 40 euros counting also two glasses of wine). To know, however, that they do not have high chair for baby food for the little ones.

Osteria del Diavolo in Borgo a Mozzano
lunch at Osteria del Diavolo in Borgo a Mozzano

What else to do in Borgo a Mozzano: Mount Bargiglio

For those with a little more time, the hike to the summit of Mount Bargiglio is worthwhile.

You leave your car at the Romitorio di San Bartolomeo and take the path that, in about half an hour, leads to the summit of Mount Bargiglio, located 874 meters above sea level.

Here you can find the remains of an ancient signal tower called “The Eye of Lucca” in fact Mount Bargiglio is located in a panoramic position straddling the Serchio Valley and this allowed at the time to simultaneously control Lucca, Bagni di Lucca, Brancoli and Castiglione di Garfagnana.

Festivals in Borgo a Mozzano: Azalea Exhibition Market

Every 2 years, in April, Borgo a Mozzano celebrates the festival of the azalea, the most cultivated flower in the Middle Serchio Valley.

In fact, one can notice the presence of such plants in many courtyards of the village as the azalea reproduces very easily in this area.

The village, during the festival, is colored with the thousands of azaleas that are scattered along its streets.

There are specimens of all colors and sizes at the exhibition; in fact, the Azalea Festival has become the emblem of Borgo a Mozzano.

You might also be interested in The Chain Bridge in Fornoli.

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